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Deanna Dickerson, RN, Owner of The Lice Place in Nashville

Deanna Dickerson, RN, Owner of The Lice Place in Nashville

As a Registered Nurse, what made you decide to become a Lice Place franchisee?  

After spending several years as a stay-at-home mom, I was preparing to return to the work force when my own daughter was found to have head lice. I experienced the need for a professional lice treatment service in a very urgent way, and found that the available services in my area were somewhat lacking.  A lice treatment franchise seemed like a great business opportunity, as well as a wonderful way to serve the community. I loved the fact that I could use my years of previous experience working in a doctor’s office to establish a business that was geared toward education and service.

Why The Lice Place?

I researched various lice treatment franchises and found The Lice Place to be head and shoulders above other franchises in this industry.  My husband/co-owner likes to refer to The Lice Place as “best in breed” among other similar franchises out there. I think it starts with Penny Warner, the Registered Nurse and founder/CEO of the franchise. She is dedicated to excellence in operating this business and has established it with a priority on providing the highest level of service to her clients.  In addition, the family atmosphere she strives in creating with her employees and her focus on quality training contributes heavily to her significant customer satisfaction as well.  The combination of this and other factors no doubt sets her apart from the rest in the industry.

Do you like what you do?  Why?

I love what I do. Providing the service of head lice treatment is providing our clients with peace of mind in what can be an emotionally charged and anxiety provoking situation, typically involving their children. Being able to treat, educate, and dispel myths and misconceptions about head lice is a fun job.

Does lice removal make people happy?

Heck, yeah! When you treat someone’s head lice, you end up with a friend for life. 🙂

Why do you think there is such demand for professional lice removal services?  

Treating head lice is a painstaking, time-consuming, messy process.  It is difficult to diagnose and can be missed even by a pediatrician.  As we all have become aware, the over-the-counter pesticides are no longer effective on the strains of lice that are out there, making at-home treatments frustrating and often fruitless. That is not to mention the fact that based upon research; parents are hesitant to use harsh chemicals to treat this problem.

Would you recommend The Lice Place franchise to entrepreneurs?  Why?

Absolutely! Our experience has been a very positive one.  My husband and I would never have dreamed of going it alone and not doing a franchise in starting our new business. The Lice Place has not disappointed in providing us the invaluable resources and advice we have needed in this process to get things up and running.

Why was a Lice Place franchise a good fit for you?

The benefit of not having to “recreate the wheel” in starting our own new business was a huge selling point for me. As a nurse, I basically knew nothing about business when I began this process.  I have however found it relatively painless with Penny’s assistance to step into this new and exciting endeavor.

Do you think you’ll acquire more territories and open more Lice Place clinics?

We definitely are anticipating rapid growth and opening other clinics to serve the Nashville area.

Visit The Lice Place in Nashville at

8115 Isabella Lane, Suite 6
Brentwood, TN 37027
Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm
Sat 9am – 2pm

Click here to learn more about franchise opportunities!