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Frisco Lice Treatment Products

Frisco Lice Treatment ProductsIf you have never had to deal with head lice before, and you are faced with someone in your family being diagnosed, you should know that you never have to feel like you have done anything wrong. There can be a great deal of stigma attached to a lice diagnosis, mostly because it is so contagious. The Lice Place wants you to know that you do have options when it comes to fast, efficient, and non-toxic Frisco lice treatment products that will give you proven results. All you have to do is call us for a consultation and we will get the process started for you!

Who We Are

The Lice Place is a franchise started by a registered nurse, working to provide families safe and effective alternatives to traditional lice treatments. Because this is a condition that is so contagious, you need to be armed with all of the information and education on lice to fully get rid of it and make sure that it does not come back. All of our treatments and products are completely effective, safe and we also offer guarantees to give you added peace of mind.

When you contact The Lice Place, we will give you a free consultation and answer any of the questions you may have, addressing concerns along the way. Not only will we help you with the steps you need to properly identify head lice, but we will also give you everything you need to prevent the problem. This is a wonderful option for parents who are involved in the lice battle who want a safe, effective and non-toxic way to treat their family.

What We Guarantee

We are the only professional service offering lice removal that is owned and operated by a registered nurse. We also have a highly publicized success rate, well over any other lice removal services. Because we are so confident in the products and services that we offer, we have a full guarantee of 30 days. If everyone in your household who has been dubbed as positive for head lice has been treated by The Lice Place, we will guarantee the work. We will also be happy to offer free head checks for your family members for up to three months after the time that your treatments are completed.

The bottom line is that no parent wants to have to deal with lice. When you find out that one or more people in your family have it, you need to be able to get the job done sooner than later. While there is no way to fully prevent head lice by simply having a treatment, we will be happy to arm you with all of the information and education that you need to keep these pesky parasite insects away from your home and family.

If you are curious about all of your option in Frisco lice treatment products and what we can do for you, simply contact The Lice Place today!

The Lice Place

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