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Lice Treatment in Cool Springs – Franklin

It is never an easy thing when a parent has to pick up their child from school. It is always good news when it is not an emergency, but it still can be challenging nonetheless, when it is a problem such as a lice infestation. Parents may not know where to take their child for treatment, or where to even buy products. It’s not exactly an emergency room-type of emergency, so what should a parent do? Look no further than The Lice Place for any all needs for lice treatment in Cool Springs – Franklin. After being in business for many years, we are experts in the field of lice removal.

Lice Treatment in Cool Springs - Franklin

We offer many different products for lice treatment, both via our website and at all of our store locations. Products such as special shampoos, conditioners, mousses, and combs are terrific for getting rid of lice, and parents can use the products in the safety and privacy o their own home. All of our products are completely non-toxic and are safe for use around or on parents, kids, and pets. Environmentally friendly, our products are also backed by a 100 percent guarantee.

For those who do not feel comfortable administering lice treatment at home, we do offer lice treatment services at all of our locations. Our lice treatment centers are staffed by well-trained, qualified professionals, and it is guaranteed that lice will be completely removed after one treatment.

For more information about lice treatment in Cool Springs –Franklin, or to make an appointment at one of our locations, please call The Lice Place at (615)656-1646 to schedule. We promise that all lice will be completely eradicated after just one treatment.

The Lice Place

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