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Portland, TN Lice Treatment and Removal Services

Lice Removal in Portland

It can be rough when a parent receives a phone call from their child’s school. It can be a great relief when parents learn that the situation is not serious or life-threatening, but problems such as a lice infestation still require immediate pickup, and also require immediate attention.

Lice Treatment in Portland

It can be very tough to discover that your child has lice, or to get a phone call from the school notifying you of a problem. Parents may be very apprehensive on what to do next. While lice is not a seriously life-threatening problem, it still requires immediate attention.

Lice Removal Products in Portland

It can be a really tough day to be on the receiving end of a phone call from a child’s school. As a parent, these kinds of calls can trigger immediate worry. Those fears can be greatly lessened when the voice on the other end says that it is nothing too serious, but problems such as lice infestation still require immediate treatment and attention.

Lice Treatment Products in Portland

Being on the receiving end of a phone call from a child’s school can be really tough. Parents can always breathe a sigh of relief when they learn that it is not something to serious, but something such as a lice infestation needs immediate attention.

Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Clinic in Portland

It is never easy for a parent to hear that their child has lice. Whether it is a phone call from the school or through self-discovery, a lice infestation requires immediate attention and care. Because lice is not an everyday problem, parents may not know where to take their child for treatment.