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Quality Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Clinic in Leeds

Lice can be a scary problem. But The Lice Place operates a Quality Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Clinic in Leeds, and we offer a simple and effective solution.

The only lice removal franchise in the nation that is operated by a registered nurse, The Lice Place has a professional staff with vast experience removing head lice and nits. Owner Penny Warner, who became an expert in lice removal after her own children contracted lice years ago, has professional hands-on medical experience that is second to none.

Lice is a severe burden on parents, who must not only control the outbreak but must also secure child care while children are treated. Worse, over-the-counter treatments too often fail, causing a re-infestation. That starts the cycle over again, meaning more time lost from work or school.

But The Lice Place can break that cycle, offering professional treatment in a private room that is both safe and effective. We use the Warner Method, treating lice and nits with combing and manual removal. We never use pesticides or harsh chemicals. Our success rate is the highest published rate in the nation at 99.6 percent. In fact, we even offer a 30-day guarantee.

Moreover, The Lice Places finishes every job that it starts, following through until lice are gone completely. We never start a job only to turn over treatment to parents afterward. We also keep you posted on the latest news about lice removal, without all the hype and panic that is often heard during a lice outbreak.

For Quality Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Clinic in Leeds, call The Lice Place at (205) 424-5165 today and let us help.

The Lice Place

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