Quality Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Clinic in Moody
For working parents, lice can be a serious issue. But you don’t have to tackle it alone. The Lice Place runs a Quality Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Clinic in Moody that can give you professional help.
The Lice Place is the only lice removal franchise in American that is managed by a registered nurse. Founder Penny Walter has vast experience in the medical field, and the professional staff at The Lice Place has been removing head lice and nits for decades.
Lice can be very rough on parents. Not only are they responsible for treating the infestation, but they must also scramble to find child care while the lice are addressed. Then, when over-the-counter treatments fail, the cycle can start over again. That means more lost time at work, more days off school and increasing frustration.
But The Lice Place can put an end to the stress. Using the Warner Method of manual removal and combing, we treat patients in private rooms, working until the infestation is eradicated. We do not use harsh pesticides or chemicals. Our treatment is 99.6 percent effective, the highest published rate in America. And we stand behind our work with a 30-day guarantee.
The Lice Place also finishes the treatments that we start, meaning we do not leave it to parents to finish the work that we start. We will also stay in touch, keeping you abreast of the latest news in lice removal, but without the breathless tone that often accompanies a lice outbreak.
For Quality Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Clinic in Moody, call The Lice Place at (205) 424-5165 today and get control of the situation.