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The Lice Place Services

Professional Lice and Nit Removal Services

The Lice Place can safely and effectively rid your family of a head lice infestation with just one pesticide-free, non-toxic treatment. We also offer advice and guidance in measures to safeguard your child and other family members from recurring cases. Our goal is to help keep your family free of lice today and in the future.

Individual and family inspection to confirm head lice infestation

More than 50 percent of the clients who come to our office have been misdiagnosed and do not have head lice. We strongly encourage our head check before you begin any type of treatment process. We will save you time, money, and frustration!

Evidence-based educational presentations

As the state’s leading expert in head lice and it’s removal, we are available for professional presentations to schools, PTO’s, physician offices, or any other group desiring to learn more about head lice and treatments. Education is the key to ending the cycle and the stigma.

Get the REAL Facts on the Cost of Head Lice Removal!

We break down the costs, risks, side effects, and overall effectiveness of over-the-counter products/prescription treatments, and hot air machines and compare them to The Lice Place.

Get The Facts! >>

Guaranteed Lice Removal & Lice Treatment Services in The Following Areas:

Tennessee Head Lice Removal & Treatment

Texas Head Lice Removal & Treatment

Our Services:

Head Lice Clinic, Head Lice Removal, Head Lice Treatment, Nit Removal, Nit Treatment, Head Lice Infestation Treatment, Lice Removal Products, Lice Removal Technician

The Lice Place

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